9 April 2009

Just gonna do a quickie quick quick postie xD Todays broadcast kena cancel due to Heavy rain disrupting your teevee service sorta laziness ;) We are now introducing our new assistant junior intern fill in replacement news reader for JNN , Jannah! *huge applause from crowd. To jan, please come see me,we shall discuss on your monthly salary , 1 cent . New positions opening for young journalists xD apakan random cause im bored.

JNN wants you!

Positions available :

Cleaner ;) i mean.. Interviewer cause si Ali mau quit xD
Backup interviewer ;P
Driver untuk si Jazz. Please make sure you have a car, preferabbly not a Kijang ;P
Secretary. Preferably a lady ;P
Stage mopper crew

okay now thats random xD but if you are interested,come meet me arah Giant at 3am! xDDD ;P apakannnn

Okay thats all,byeee

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